5, p. 346. How were they worshiping their gods?If you go into the Museum of Natural History in Jerusalem, and you go downstairs, in one area you will find diggings from the archeologists of the pre-Israel culture from the Canaanite period. First, they were all washed in the water, Aaron and his sons. If the true God deigns to give a law to man, it must be an unimpeachably wise and worthy law adapted to the condition of man, as far as a law possibly can be; and such is God's law holy, just, and good. Simonides the philosopher, being requested to describe God, asked a week to think of it. "He who sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one." It is an inexcusable error, however, to suppose that God will finally accommodate to human wickedness. There, the sins of the parents being visited upon the children.Taking it from a sociological standpoint, and a psychological standpoint there are people today who are having a hard time making it in life because their parents were so totally messed up. I can go into the classrooms here at Maranatha Academy and sit and observe in one day, and at the end of the day I can tell you each child that comes from a broken home, just by watching the characteristics within the child. Yet we know on the best authority that Moses loved the people as not another soul in the camp did. The Christian has it also, and in a far better way. The Divine name was proclaimed absolutely. [God passed by and declared His name, declared His glory. Grace covers through the expiation of Christ, as it flows in virtue of God's work and in maintaining God's order. All of the firstborn of thy sons thou shalt redeem. And so on this occasion to the meek and wistful Moses preaching the Gospel, Jehovah expanded that one word of love into the name: The Lord God, merciful and gracious, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin., The sun has lost his rage; his downward orbShoots nothing more but animating warmthAnd vital lustre; that, with various ray,Lights up the clouds, those beauteous robes of heaven., (1.) Next came the table,* and upon it a defined supply of bread. The understanding of this comes in the antithesis in the word "generation" at the end of Exodus 34:7. The bread that was set on the golden table consisted of twelve loaves in evident correspondence with the twelve tribes of Israel, but this assuredly in connection with Christ, for He is ever the object of God's counsels. When Christ went into the presence of God, what a mighty effect did not the Spirit produce! "And the God of the Old Testament, is a God of wrath, and judgment, but I love the God of the New Testament who is forgiving, and gracious and kind." Read full chapter Exodus 33 Exodus 35 King James Version (KJV) Public Domain I do not mean man as man, but that there was no bar to man. Here it seems in substance the same thing as in 1 Peter 1:2. Advantage must not be taken of the weak or subject; violence cannot go unpunished, any more than dishonour where we owe reverence; responsibility for what is allowed, were it but a mischievous brute; restitution must be made, and this double, fourfold, or even fivefold, according to the wrong; neither a witch nor an offender unnaturally could live; neither stranger nor widow nor orphan must be vexed or afflicted; neither poor must be burdened, nor judges reviled; but God is to be honoured with the first of the fruits, and of the sons, as well as of the cattle. No sooner had Moses got to the top of the mount than WebExodus 34:5-7. This expression, indeed, frequently occurs with reference to prayers. In the hallowing of the priestly family the following points are observable. They are quoted in Nehemiah 9:17; Psalms 86:15; 103:8; 145:8; Joel 2:15; Jonah 4:2; and also Numbers 14:18. She needed two units of blood to survive. We have it intrinsically by the Holy Ghost Himself. WebMatthew Henry Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Exodus 30:1-10. This is greatly confirmed by what follows. He will by no means clear the guilty. And Moses called unto them; and Aaron and all the rulers of the congregation returned unto him: and Moses talked with them. Let us not then have either hard thoughts of God or hard hearts towards our brethren. How did God respond to that request? "* Such was no doubt the doctrine of those whom the apostle censures as wishing to be law-teachers, understanding neither what things they say nor whereof they stoutly affirm. Mercy entailed upon thousands of generations, even those upon whom the ends of the world have come; nay, the line of it is drawn parallel with that of eternity itself. That wasn't the prophet Isaiah thundering out, that was the writer of the book of Hebrews declaring the judgment of God that shall come upon those who have rejected His grace, and His mercy, through Jesus Christ. Whatever be the work of God, His rest remains for His people. That is very true; it is impossible if you're only dealing with natural things. Undoubtedly in itself it composed a worldly tabernacle; but this does not hinder these figures from typifying what was to be for the most part of a heavenly character. It is tragic indeed that really the real victims of divorce are the children. MAIN HOMILETICS OF THE PARAGRAPH.Exodus 34:5-7, This was the second proclamation. Some, (377) therefore, understand it of Moses, that he called on the name of the Lord. In Israel's case it was not so. That is so absolutely sick I can't even think of it. God would guard His people from an outrage in comeliness, were it even about a dumb or dead animal; as Satan triumphs in all that is abnormal and unnatural in the superstitions which usurp the place of the truth, and are bound up with idolatry. 24:18). Key Verses (Ex 6:6; Ex 19:56). Here at least the people are at their work earnestly at work in dishonouring God striking at the very foundation of His truth and honour to their own shame and ruin. You see the first born son used to always be the priest of the house, he belonged to God. And be ready in the morning, and come up in the morning unto mount Sinai, and present thyself there to me in the top of the mount. Web1. He is gracious. And when their child is born, it is born with an addiction to drugs. WebThe sheer fact that Exodus 34 exists is proof that God is a God of mercy. At the same time the righteousness of the law is fulfilled so much the more in those that "walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.". She needed two units of blood to survive. And till Moses had done speaking with them, he put a veil on his face. In answer to Moses who advances in his demands, yet withal no less suiting them to the divine glory than to the people's wants according to the light then vouchsafed, God makes a covenant different from what went before. The Holy Ghost is the only power for rightly using, and applying, and enjoying the truth; and therefore He is called "the truth" no less than the Lord Jesus. Keeping mercy for thousands. There was no such effect when it was merely the ten commandments or the ordinances connected with the people and the land; but after the communications of heavenly shadows and the mercy of God which intermixed itself with the law, Moses' face shines, and the people of Israel could not bear it. The apostle uses this to show that, as the veiled Moses speaking to the people of Israel is the most apt possible figure of the actual state in which they were placed (that is, not law simply, but with gracious care for the people mingled with it), so the condition of the Christian is in marked contrast. The orders given concerning the altar of incense are, 1. False report and testimony are forbidden, were a multitude to lead the way; as on the other hand there must be no partiality to the poor man's cause, nor a refusal to help an enemy, nor falsehood, nor bribery, nor oppression. A new nature finds its great characteristic in dependence in weakness, or sense of weakness certainly; but the Holy Ghost gives the consciousness of power, though no doubt exercised in dependence. Now if gold represents God's righteousness which we approach within; and if brass or rather copper means, when thus symbolically viewed, His righteousness as applied to man outside in His immutable judgment, what is the force of silver in this connection? Assuredly Moses in the tabernacle outside had not less love for the people, nor more loyalty to God, than within the borders of Sinai when the ten commandments were uttered. Such is the line which divides them. "[8] These, however, are not nearly so well defined as the six just listed. * Dr. P. Fairbairn's Typology, ii. When Moses reached the top, it descended once more from the sky, and stood with him there. Web34 And the Lordsaid unto Moses, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first: and I will write upon these tables the words that were in the first tables, which thou brakest. A few words on this subject may not be amiss for any souls that have not adequately considered the matter, as there is hardly anything on which men are so much at fault as this question. WebExodus 12:1-4 (5-10) 11-14 You may not have heard of Amber Gralheer or Merri Kaye Bradley. That as His power supports His goodness man need not despond. 5 Then the Lord came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the Lord. They left the ground of the grace of God, which they had in no wise appreciated. Is it not His grace shown in man, even in the man Christ Jesus? revelation that "God is love." "Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy sight, show me now thy way, that I may know thee, that I may find grace in thy sight: and consider that this nation is thine." They are occupied with the provision of light where God manifested Himself, and in order to the due service of those who entered the sanctuary. He visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the children. And when he came out and told the people of Israel what he was commanded, 35 the people of Israel would see the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses face was a shining. This bespeaks his tender compassion, like that of a father to his children. The pardon of Israel's sin in worshipping the calf was now to pass the seals; and God, by this declaration, would let them know that he pardoned ex mero motu--merely out of his own good pleasure, not for their merits' sake, but from his own inclination to forgive. There is hardly a subject on which men are so apt to make mistakes as the true nature and application of love. Encouraged by this revelation Moses requested again (cf. The new nature accordingly has right affections and gracious desires; but there is power in the Spirit through Christ Jesus. Yet what perhaps, well it's not even any worse, but fathers that abuse their own sons. In none of these types can one find the full truth of Christ and of His work. Includes cross references, questions,verse by verse commentary, outline, and applications on Exodus chapter 34. For it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God"( Hebrews 10:27-29 , Hebrews 10:31 ). Therefore, according to the usual phrase of Scripture, the sacred name of God is applied to the visible symbol; not that the empty cloud was a figure of the absent Deity, but because it testified His presence according to the comprehension of men. You've passed by me, declared Your name, now Lord go ahead and pass among the people, pardon their sin; and take us for Your inheritance." How Moses received this declaration which God made of himself, and of his grace and mercy. Revelation alone emblazons God in the full circle of His perfections. WebCommentary on Exodus 34:5-9 (Read Exodus 34:5-9 ) The Lord descended by some open token of his presence and manifestation of his glory in a cloud, and thence It was necessarily so with the high priest taken from among men, after the witness already given to Christ's exceptional place. What we find here then is not law pure and simple, but law with mercy and goodness and long-suffering in the government of God His condescending love and patience mingled along with law. The angels ever, Draw strength from gazing on its glance,Though none its meaning fathom may;The Words unwithered countenanceIs bright as at Mount Sinais day., Sun-Splendours! No doubt it was connected with the earth, and what was in itself anything but a condition suitable to the mind of God. So Christ entered by His own blood entered in once for all into the holies, having obtained eternal redemption that we might have a common place with Him by blood and in the Spirit's power. But sincerity will not serve in lieu of His word; and our own thoughts and desires can never be trusted as a standard of principle or of practice. People who seem to think that the God of the New Testament is all love and forgiveness, and the abrogating of the capital punishment and all of this, had better read the book of Revelation, and they'll find out that He is also a God of judgment, and a God of wrath that shall come and be visited. Therefore God gave Moses three very impressive credentials. The first was a staff that turned to a deadly, venomous serpent (4:2-5). In him unveiled there we have our figure, not in Moses veiled, still less in Israel The Christian in his full place is nowhere set forth by the Jew. Which, though it sends forth thousand streams, tis neer. It has brought saving joy to countless multitudes. And perhaps Jeremiah alluded to this passage, where (382) he mitigates the severity of the vengeance of which he had been speaking by this same expression, for there it can only be translated, With cutting off I will not cut thee off. If this be preferred, it will be the assignment of the reason why God pardons sins, viz., because He is unwilling to cut off men, which would be the case if He insisted on the utmost rigor of the Law. That this is a pivotally important and dangerous moment is underscored by Yahwehs allusions to the judgment that preceded the flood. As people are arguing about God, God is faulted for the order of the extermination and not making covenants with these people. As long as this was the case only, man could not come to God. Can this God be unkind or unjust? ", These words must be viewed as a fulfillment on God's part of the revelation which he had promised Moses at the end of the preceding chapter. Does not He mean what He says? For our position the true image is Moses not when speaking to the people, but when he goes up into the presence of God. Now that God is about to publish a second edition of the law he prefaces it with this proclamation; for it is God's grace or goodness that gives the law, especially the remedial law. Mark the answer of Jehovah: "And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. Just as in the type the priests had not only to be washed completely in the laver in order to be consecrated; but whenever they entered into the presence of God, they washed their hands and feet. He hears it now; he receives Jesus as the gift of God's love with all simplicity. Even so, in Exodus 34:6, we have the lengthened explanation of the Divine glory; while in 1 John 4:0 there is the same and substancethe essence of allin the three words, God is Love., (2.) It is in no way the glory which is the hope of the Christian. It awaited the coming of a greater than Moses. WebWhile Moses was in the mount, receiving the law from God, the people made a tumultuous address to Aaron. It is in vain to argue that the fruit of the teaching of Peter or of James had the same power with it as the fruit of Paul not very long after, or of John latest of all. neither shall the sacrifice of the feast of the passover be left unto morning. The glory of Jesus was veiled by his humanity. There's a difference between seeing and observing, and God isn't saying, "see the things I command you, but observe", that is see and live in harmony with it. (2.) These very same words in Exodus 20:7 "are rendered `will not hold him guiltless,' and in Jeremiah 30:11, `will not leave unpunished.'"[7]. He wanted to prove and manifest the heart of His servant. And Jehovah passed by before him, and proclaimed, Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in loving kindness and truth; keeping lovingkindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin; and that will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and the children's children, upon the third and upon the fourth generation And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshipped. As the sun abounds in sparkling rays, the sea in drops, the sky in glittering orbs; so God is one vast treasure-house of mercy. WebThe women who spun the goats' hair were wise-hearted, because they did it heartily to the Lord. The first, Exodus 3:4, was delivered to Moses for his instruction and comfort on his special mission. Now that's the part that I have, "Here God, You can have me for Your inheritance." Even then, being still unable, he declined the task, declaring that the more he thought of God, the less was he able to describe Him. It's just plain sick. On this, being so thoroughly familiar to all, I of course do not enlarge. We may be ignorant, and unable to expose them; but we may rest perfectly sure that God is never wrong and man ever untrustworthy. For instance, in the earlier half of Exodus, where we have God's dealings in grace, the Sabbath-day is brought in, marked out by the bread God provided for His people, the manna the figure of Christ come down from heaven to be the food of the hungry on earth: then followed the Sabbath at once. Lest, however, this indulgence should be perverted into a license for sin, it is afterwards added, by way of correction, with (380) cleansing He will not cleanse, which, with the Chaldee interpreter and others, I understand as applying to His severe judgment against the reprobate and obstinate; for I do not like their opinion who say that, although God indeed pardons sins, yet He still moderately chastises those who have sinned; since this is a poor conjecture, that punishment is required though the guilt is remitted; and besides, it is altogether untrue, inasmuch as it is manifest, from experience that God passes over many sins without punishment. No real believer ever takes the ground of pure law. But it remains always true that there is this difference. But the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb: and if you do not redeem him, then you shall break his neck. ", At once we find him reproaching Aaron, the most responsible man there, who makes a sorry excuse, not without sin. It was from evening to morning" and of course uninterruptedly for that time. Now there are people who try to say that there is a God of the Old Testament, and a God of the New Testament. If his master have given him a wife, and she have borne him sons or daughters; the wife and her children shall be her master's, and he shall go out by himself. But cloud by day and fire by night, the token of is presence was ever before all Israel (versesExodus 40:34-38; Exodus 40:34-38). Now we know what these mean. exodus This bespeaks both freeness and kindness; it intimates not only that he has a compassion to his creatures, but a complacency in them and in doing good to them, and this of his own good-will, and not for the sake of any thing in them. We can see therefore the moral propriety and beauty of this distinction, which at once separates the shadows of the latter part of Exodus into two main sections. It is God displaying Himself in Christ; but those who had this connection with Christ were Israel. WebMatthew Henry Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Exodus 30:1-10. Doubtless to a superficial glance it appears somewhat unaccountable, in the midst of describing the various parts of the sanctuary, to interrupt the course of it by dragging into the very midst of it the consecration of Aaron and his sons. How I thank God for it more and more, especially as I see people who-my heart goes out to them, they've never had a chance to know what a real loving home is all about, a real godly home is all about. (379) See C.s own translation. It is the type of Christ interceding for us, and along with this the high priest's work that the manifestation of the Spirit be not hindered. We must take care that we receive the sense which God intends, otherwise we may err seriously, to His dishonour and to our own hurt and that of others. At the end of the verse, to call in the name of the Lord, is equivalent to proclaiming His name, or promulgating what God would make known to His servant. Additional reminders concerned requirements for sacrifices and firstfruits (25-26; see 23:18-19).God then made a declaration that the covenant Israel had broken was now re-established. This cloud was to strike an awe upon Moses, that the familiarity he was admitted to might not breed contempt. Law is essentially incapable of helping, because being only a claim on God's part, and a definition of His demands, it can only condemn him whose condition makes due obedience impossible. And he was there with the Lord for forty days and forty nights; and he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. Then trust that what He is now doing is for your good.iii. Merciful, first because mans misery makes him first an object of pity (Judges 10:16; Isaiah 63:19). Even in glory we shall know Him thus. But if there be two separate objects in these types first, God displaying Himself to man; and, secondly, man in consequence drawing near to God the way of all is clear. He is merciful. There are many young adults today that cannot even remember years of their childhood because their minds have blocked them out. And when Aaron and all of the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face was shining; and they were afraid to come near him. Under this falls the Christian testimony now, as the result of the entrance of Christ into heavenly places; and under this will fall the future fruit-bearing portion and testimony of Israel in the day when Christ will appear in glory from the heavens. Some seem on the very verge of denying it altogether, in their one-sided zeal for the grace of God; others who stand stoutly and so far well for the responsibility of man misuse this truth so as apparently to swamp God's grace. Others have had the page of nature spread before them, and yet have been either atheists or idolaters. Moses loved Israel with a love stronger than death; yet he who thus loved them showed unsparingly his horror of the leprosy that had broken out among them. No society can exist that is that corrupted. WebExodus 34:7 - Ellicott's Commentary On The Whole Bible MOSES ALLOWED TO SEE GODS GLORY. The church comes under that now. The first, Exodus 3:4, was delivered to Moses for his instruction and Such was the choice of Jesus not to be merely a servant here on the earth for a time He has chosen of His own gracious will to be servant for ever. It is for us, but it is only in Him before God. How blessed for us! All the people then saw the thunderings and the lightnings, and the voice of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking, and stood afar off, asking that not God but Moses should speak with them. They were guilty, and must have been cut off. 35. The petals, so to speak, of Gods goodness were set before Moses in full bloom in this verse; but in the New Testament it was sufficient to give the bud, God is love., Ill sing it in the sinners ear,Ill tell it to the worldling,And ask no other theme;Twill flow to soothe the mourners wail;Children will hold the oft-told taleDearer than fictions dream.. The sanctification here in question then applies from the start of an effectual inward work even before a soul knows pardon and peace, but there is also room for the practical power of the Holy Ghost in subsequent work in heart and conscience severing us more and more by the truth to the Lord. "It is worth noting that the stipulations are enfolded within matching frames that stress the exclusivity of Yahweh ( Exodus 20:22-23 Exodus 23:24-25 Exodus 20:24 Exodus 23:14-17 Exodus 23:20 ), and a proper protocol and ritual by which He may be approached by His servant people ( Exodus A few words will suffice here before passing on. We are born of God, and not merely adopted as if we were strangers to Him. THE PROCLAMATION OF THE DIVINE NAME. Thus he expressed, (1.) Thus he avails himself of the special affection God had shown him to put himself with the people, and to secure God's presence going with the people, who otherwise could never enter the land. What for instance would be the meaning of our being practically sanctified to obedience as well as to have the blood of Jesus sprinkled upon us? I grant you this that, looked at as a whole, distressing failure was setting in just as it was here; yet as here the very failure isolated the truehearted, but isolated them not in want of love but in the strongest possible manifestation of divine charity and sense of God's glory. edit., vol. (5.) In the candlestick another truth comes before us. The first and foundation of all the rest is this: God would disclose Himself in some of them to man, as far as this was possible then; secondly, founded on that and growing out of it, man would be taught to draw near to God. But then the fruits of the Spirit can never be attained by the law; nor are they even contemplated by a legal measure. The Exodus is the central event of the Old Sacrifice of the mount than webexodus 34:5-7 apt to make mistakes as the six just listed `` here,! 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